Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beauty and handsome!

Well..I admit it that I love to see her face on tv. Anyway, this girl's face looks like a mature woman, don't you think so? She's still on highschool! And now she's caughted up walking together with one member of our U-23 Indonesian squad..Diego Michels!

What a great couple. Hopefully they can maintain their relationship..a monkey love (in Indonesian language means "cinta monyet", a not kinda mature love/still-wanna-play). :P

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This woman kissed him??

Okay..if you come from Indonesia you must know this:

A woman kissed Beckham..yess..David Beckham! And guess who had kissed him?? Syahrini! No comment for this woman since many "things" (thing = sesuatu :D) dragging her name.

Unfortunately, I don't get her kissing method.. lol!

Pic source: Vivanews